Bee Clean...

Well, I decided to start our essential oils lesson with a product that offers two~Susan's All-Natural Eucalyptus & Tea Tree Soap.
Eucalyptus is known to be an antiseptic for your respiratory system and beneficial for your immune system. (Perfect for all the sickness going around right now!) It is also useful for insect bites...I doubt one of us sweet bees will be the reason, but if your yard is like mine, I bet you were just itching a mosquito bite as you read this.
Tea Tree is also antiseptic, anti-fungal, and anti-bacterial. It is great for athlete's foot and nail fungus.
A big majority of us are lucky and do not have the aforementioned foot and hand ailments, and some of us might even be lucky enough to not have a single bug bite, but we all could use the extra help in keeping well! (And feeling fresh and smelling great!)
Susan's All-Natural products available at Bee Angels in The Shops of River Square Center.


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